Command Line Utilities

AIT provides some command line utilities for performing common operations. Below is a breakdown of these utilities with a brief explanation of how they work and why you might use them.

Encryption Utilities

Utilities for the encryption and decryption.


usage: [-h] --mode {encrypt,decrypt} --type TYPE --input INPUT 
                      [--output OUTPUT] [--verbose]

Performs encryption or decryption on bytes from a file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mode {encrypt,decrypt}
                        Mode: 'encrypt', 'decrypt' (default: encrypt)
  --type TYPE           Type of encrypter to use: 'null', 'kmc'; or full class name
                        (default: null)
  --input INPUT         Input filename, required. (default: None)
  --output OUTPUT       Output filename, optional. (default: None)
  --verbose             Print debug messages. (default: False)

  $ ait_encrypt --mode encrypt --type null --input input.bin  --output output.bin
  $ ait_encrypt --mode decrypt --type null --input output.bin --output restored.bin